Whakapiri Ora Services
Te Oranga Pūmau

Te Oranga Pūmau
This free service is open to all whānau, and registration with Te Hiku Hauora is not required. It provides access to nurses specialising in managing long-term health conditions such as gout, cardiac issues, and diabetes, among others. We offer bi-monthly educational classes over a six-week period to support and guide whānau towards improved health.

Join us this August & September
Main Entrance at Te Hiku Hauora,
49 Redan Road, Kaitaia.
11am - 12pm
AUG 07: Introduction to heart health, diabetes and stroke
AUG 14: Nutrition - all about kai
AUG 21: Let’s get active - all about movement
AUG 28: Podiatry - all about feet & Whakapiri Ora introduction
SEP 04: Wellness Check - all about Stress & its Effects
SEP 11: Medications - all about your medications

Join us this October & November
Main Entrance at Te Hiku Hauora,
49 Redan Road, Kaitaia.
11am - 12pm
OCT 02: Introduction to heart health, diabetes and stroke
OCT 09: Nutrition - all about kai
OCT 16: Let’s get active - all about movement
OCT 23: Podiatry - all about feet & Whakapiri Ora introduction
OCT 30: Wellness Check - all about Stress & its Effects
NOV 06: Medications - all about your medications