Te Hiku Hauora
Our Services
Our Service Departments
GP Clinic
GP Clinic
We are committed to providing healthcare that meets the gold standard. Our two GP clinics serve the whānau of the Far North with utmost care.
Whether you’re looking for up-to-date prescription services, wellness products, or just need some health advice, we’re here for you.
Our dental team is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of professional dental services to whānau in the Far North.
Whare Tautoko
We empower our kaumātua and disabled community to live independently in their own homes with dignity and respect.
Whakapiri Ora
Our mission is to provide and support Māori holistic health services to whānau of Te Hiku o Te Ika.
Rongoā Māori
Encompassing physical and spiritual health through traditional methods like karakia, mirimiri, and the use of medicinal plants.
Te Hikutanga
Te Hikutanga represents our special location in Aotearoa, where Five Iwi: Ngāti Kurī, Te Aupōuri, Ngāi Takoto, Ngāti Kahu and Te Rarawa, not only provide a rich whakapapa and knowledge base for ways of knowing, being and doing in the Far North. Te Hikutanga encompasses a holistic Te Hiku o te Ika understanding of health and wellbeing. Ma te Hiku o te Ika Mo te Hiku o te Ika.