Toitū te kaupapa
News & Initiatives
A Rewarding Journey with Te Hiku Hauora GP Clinic

Koha Mai, Koha Atu
As a member of the Kaitiaki team at Te Hiku Hauora GP Clinic, I can confidently say this is the most
rewarding mahi I have ever undertaken in my long working life.
It is an honour and privilege to work alongside a dedicated and hardworking team-from our General
Manager Cheryl Britton, Medical Director Dr. Lorraine Brooking, Clinical Leader Dr. Kathy Bakke, our
GPs, Nurses, Clinical Assistants, Receptionists, Pharmacy staff, Dr. George Paul and the Dentistry team,
to our Kaitiaki and Wellness Team Health Coaches and all our clinical staff.
In our clinic, “the harvest is great, but the labourers are few.” As Kaitiaki, we support our GPs by
following up with patients who need extra care to ensure their ongoing health and wellbeing.
This commitment upholds our kaupapa and vision: to provide our people with access to quality
healthcare, awhi, and manaaki, recognising the importance of Taha Wairua, Hinengaro, Tinana, and
Whānau. The responses to our visits have ranged from tears and disbelief to relief and a sense of safety
to discuss fears and anxieties.
What humbles me even more is the awareness and generosity of our GPs and clinical staff regarding the
social and economic struggles our people face. They have contributed willingly to our pataka kai of non-
perishable food in the Kaitiaki room.

Any koha to our pataka is gratefully received - we have also received petrol vouchers to ensure our
people can attend their appointments or travel when necessary. Many of our whānau are too whakama
to ask for help, but they recognise the gift of Awhi Mai, Awhi Atu.
As a Kaitiaki, it is also humbling to be asked to have karakia with our tūroro and their whānau,
reinforcing our belief that true health is not just the absence of illness but the presence of wellbeing.
Nāu te raurau, nāku te raurau, ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket of knowledge, and my basket of knowledge, the people will thrive.
Nou reira e te whānau, kia kaha, kia manawanui, kia mau.
Ngā mihi nui,
Whaea Connie