Te rōpū kaihautū
Leadership Team

Jean Petera
General Manager
Whare Tautoko / Home Support & Community Care
E hara taku toa, I te toa takitahi, engari, he toa takitini”
My strength is not that of one person, but instead the strength of many.
Tēna Koutou Katoa, Nau mai, Whakatau mai.
He mihi iti noiho tēnei, hei whakamārama ai, he aha kē, tōku nei Tūranga I roto I tēnei roopu whakahāere o Te Hiku Hauora.
I was born, raised and educated here in the beautiful Te Hiku O Te Ika. It’s home, I love it and the people that live in it. It is the place I chose to raise my family.
I love connecting people with people, and that’s part of what my role involves, connecting the right support worker with a client, to ensure they receive the best delivery of care in their home. I have been with Te Hiku Hauora for 13 years, and during this time I have built solid working relationships with support workers, clients, Te Hiku Hauora staff, external providers and stakeholders.
I believe that my actions and the way that I conduct and present myself demonstrate that I appreciate and support the values, tikanga and mana of Te Hiku Hauora.
No reira, tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou katoa